Bio-friendly landscape stakes are an environmentally friendly way to secure erosion control products, such as logs, wattles, and mats.. Designed to disintegrate over time into compost, these stakes offer a low-maintenance alternative to standard metal staples, pins and stakes.
Stakes will hold strong to the ground, and stay down, because of their alternating rib design and double hooks, similar to how a fishing hook holds. Depending on the environmental conditions and location of the stakes, these eco-friendly stakes will last from 16-18 months.
- 100% Degradable.
- No Removal Required After Installation.
- Equipped for Range of Locations and Fabrics.
- Alternating Ribbed Design for Increased Strength.
- Penetrates hard soils.
- Pins down: planting and cultivation textile, Lightweight geotextiles, erosion mats and blankets.
- Holds strong and stays securely to the ground.
- Most Economical and Beneficial For Slope-Based Applications
- Holds Strong to the Ground
- Pins Down: Netting, Landscaping Projects, sod, Erosion Products.